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Low back pain happens to most of us at some point in our life with the statistics showing about 60-80% of us experience this! While it is easy as a health practitioner to sit here and say our bodies are incredibly resilient and have an extraordinary way of healing and repair… in the moment of acute low back pain episode it can be hard to know “What do I do?”

Do I move? Rest? Do I use a heat pack or ice for low back pain? Do I go to the GP? Or Do I see a physio?

This is where our experienced physiotherapists come in. They are highly skilled in the assessment and diagnosis of your injury. They will help you understand your pain and plan a strategy to return to normal activities. This may involve movement and exercises, massage and mobilisation or dry needling techniques. Added bonus – you DO NOT need a referral to have an appointment if you have low back pain.

Low back pain does tend to follow a timeframe of around 6-12 weeks for acute injuries. Any low back pain lasting longer than 3 months is classified as chronic or persistent low back pain. Chronic low back pain is pain ongoing after the typical timeframe of healing. During the healing process, our nervous system can sometimes become hypersensitive and we may experience low back pain despite our tissues being healed. Many lifestyle factors and beliefs can play into our painful experiences. It’s important to know that the way we think can play a role in our recovery. Whether you have had this low back pain for a few days or a few months, we are here to help and guide you in the right direction.

Tips and tricks for low back pain:

  • Book an assessment with your physiotherapist for low back pain – early management help prevent chronic pain and helps you manage your symptoms sooner
  • Keep moving – gentle walking or mobility exercises can help to reduce your painful symptoms.
  • Limit sitting for LONG periods, movement is key
  • Ice pack in the first 24-72 hours, after that using a heat pack can be great for pain relief
  • Organise a rehabilitation plan with your physiotherapist; this may include clinical pilates, movement retraining or strength training

There is no ‘one size fits all approach’ for low back pain and each person will need an individualised approach to their recovery. If you’d like to read more about low back pain, check out our ‘what we treat’ here.

Book an assessment now to start working toward feeling better & stronger!

Our Locations

We are currently expanding our locations across Australia.
Stay tuned for new locations near you!
